Do you speak in front of others as part of your job?

The answer is almost certainly yes - whether you’re
on a conference platform, pitching to stakeholders or
reporting the quarterly figures.

Ian can help you make fast improvements, with a few
guiding principles taken from working closely with
the best speakers in the world from entertainment,
politics, sport and business.

Why did Square Mile call Ian “the UK’s most trusted
speaker coach”? Get in touch and find out.

Could you be a better speaker?

Email Ian

What participants experience

Ian has worked with speakers on the corporate circuit
for over 20 years. If you’ve wondered what comedians
have in common with CEOs, or what politicians have in
common with motivational speakers, Ian has some
surprising answers.

Ian has distilled his experience into a unique, intuitive
framework that can quickly transform any speakers
performance and make it worthy of being presented to
an audience.

In workshops, participants learn:

  • How to prepare for speaking
  • Techniques to build confidence and banish nerves
  • Three golden rules of professional speaking

Ian shares his experience in an enjoyable and
educational workshop day with each participant
receiving personalised feedback with constructive
ideas for further development.

This is also available as a keynote speech; both are
accredited by the CPD.


This workshop was great - really inspiring.

I’ve learned techniques I’ll be taking with me. It’s rare
you get the person holding the space actively taking
notes and
offering feedback.

Genuinely no complaints - this was brilliant!


Really loved how the whole day was around three
simple, memorable points.

Felt challenged in a safe, supportive environment.

There is so much to take from today - thank you!


An invaluable opportunity to explore how we

Now I’m looking forward to actually giving it a go and
feel it will
help me to support others.